Cookie Policy
The purpose of this policy is to explain to users of this website https://www.healthharmonie.com/ how cookies are used on the site, the options for controlling the use of cookies and what cookies are used.
This policy applies to the cookies used on this website https://www.healthharmonie.com/
The following terms are used throughout this policy and are defined as follows:
“Cookie” - Cookies are small files that are placed on your computer by the websites that you visit. They are used in order to make websites work, to provide features, or to work more efficiently, as well as to provide information to the owner of the site such as pages visited, number of visitors etc. Some cookies also enable the display of relevant advertising when you move from site to site.
“We/us/our” – refers to HealthHarmonie Ltd, the owner of this website registered England and Wales with company registration number 4724733
“Personal data” – is any information which can directly or indirectly identify a living person.
“First Party Cookie” – this is a cookie that is controlled by us
“Third Party Cookie” – this is a cookie provided by a third party e.g. Google Analytics for which we have no control over
“Session” - If a cookie does not contain an expiration date, it is considered a session cookie. Session cookies are stored in memory and never written to disk. When the browser closes, the cookie is permanently lost from this point on.
“Persistent” - these cookies stay in one of your browser's subfolders until you delete them manually or your browser deletes them based on the duration period contained within the persistent cookie's file
Cookie Type
We use the following types of cookie on our website:
Necessary Cookies - These cookies are necessary for the operation of our site. They don’t access or store any personal data. Our website cannot function without these cookies so they are, by default switched on.
You can manage cookies in your browser (see browser settings in section X) Your choices will include the ability to switch off cookies completely and removing cookies by deleting them when you leave our site. If you do switch cookies off you may find problems with the operation of our website.
Analytics Cookies - These cookies allow us to analyse website use such as which pages are most popular and how visitors move around the site. The information collected does not directly identify any individuals.
You can control whether you want to accept the use of these cookies via the cookie consent options on the website.
Functionality Cookies – These cookies allow us to recognise you when you return to our website. They enable us to personalise content for you and remember preferences you may have set on your last visit.
You can control whether you want to accept the use of these cookies via the cookie consent options on the website.
Marketing Cookies - These cookies allow us to provide personalised and relevant services or advertising to our visitors, and to assess the effectiveness of our digital marketing activities. We also use these cookies to enable third party ‘plug-ins’ like social media sharing and like buttons. They also enable us to play video content.
You can control whether you want to accept the use of these cookies via the cookie consent options on the website.
Cookie Details
Using Your Browser To Control Cookies
As well as setting cookie preferences using the cookie settings options when you visit the website, you can also control cookie settings in your browser. How to control cookies for some of the most common browsers are detailed below:
Google Chrome
Safari (Mac)
Safari (iPhone/iPad)
Internet Explorer
Microsoft Edge

Managing Analytics Cookies
You can opt out of anonymous tracking from third party analytics cookies by clicking on the links of our service providers here:
Google Analytics: https://tools.google.com/dlpage/gaoptout
Further Information
If you would like any further information about the use of cookies on this website, please contact us at dpo@healthharmonie.com
Please also see our privacy notice here
Complaints Policy
This policy and procedure identify the process of making a complaint and the roles and responsibilities of those involved in dealing with complaints. It is written in line with the relevant national guidance and legislation.
See our full policy here
Safeguarding Policy
HealthHarmonie is committed to working in partnership with all local CCG’s in the areas we
are operating our services in to uphold our responsibility to Safeguard all vulnerable adults
with care and support needs that use our services including HealthHarmonie employees. All
suspicions and allegations of abuse or inappropriate behaviour will be taken seriously by
HealthHarmonie and responded to in line with the process for managing safeguarding
allegations against staff in positions of trust and the disciplinary policy. See our full policy here
All HealthHarmonie staff who encounter children and families in their everyday work, including practitioners who do not have a specific role in relation to child protection, have a duty to safeguard and promote the welfare of children. See out full policy here
Accessible Information Standard
The Accessible Information Standard aims to ensure that disabled people have access to information they can understand and the communication support they may need. The Standard applies to service providers across the NHS and adult social care system. As organisations that provide NHS services, GP practices are required by law to follow the Standard under Section 250 of the Health and Social Care Act. See our full policy here
Changes To This Policy
We may make changes to this policy from time to time and the latest version of the policy will always be displayed on our website. You should check this policy from time to time to see any updates. This policy was last updated on 01/10/21