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Bassetlaw and South Warwickshire Community Dermatology

We’ve commenced two new community dermatology services in December, commissioned by Bassetlaw CCG and NHS South Warwickshire CCG.

dermatology appointment

The services were commissioned earlier this year, and we’ve been working closely with the CCGs and local primary care providers throughout their mobilisation. We’d like to take this opportunity to thank those who have been involved in getting things off the ground, and we’re eager to continue to develop positive working relationships within these contractual areas.

We’re now live on the NHS e-Referral Service (e-RS), and practices within Bassetlaw and South Warwickshire can refer suitable patients into our care via the Referral Assessment Service (RAS).

Bassetlaw and South Warwickshire Community Dermatology

We welcome you to contact us if you have any questions about the new service available within your local area.


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