It goes without saying that within the past 12 months, the NHS has faced unprecedented challenges. COVID-19 has placed increased pressures on all aspects of healthcare, with NHS Trusts seeing wait times significantly increase, and some Trusts needing to reduce planned procedures.

The effects of this will be felt by Trusts and Clinical Commissioning Groups for months to come, even when the pandemic begins to ease. Forecasts have shown a potential 78% increase in waiting lists over the course of 2021. We know that as these challenges continue, the pressure increases upon NHS Trusts to meet the needs to not only new patients but existing patients awaiting ongoing care or review. The NHS increasing Capacity Framework has been introduced as a route to allow NHS Trusts and CCGs to commissioning support services to aid these wait times, without the need for lengthy and costly procurement processes. As part of the application process, all suppliers on the Framework have undergone vetting to ensure appropriate registration, insurance, and policies to provide high quality, safe patient care. HealthHarmonie is a supplier on the Framework, offering services such as ophthalmology, dermatology, gynaecology, hand surgery and diagnostic imaging (non-obstetric ultrasound). For any Trust or CCG that approaches us, we undertake a scoping exercise to understand specific service need and review our capacity to provide this support. We develop bespoke service models in line with Trust/CCG needs and review these collaboratively to identify a solution that works. As a provider, we have stringent capacity demand processes in place that allow us to be truly flexible in delivering services. We have incorporated risk stratification of current hospital waitlists and well as virtual appointments to ensure patient access. Our approach is to minimise risk to patient health, reduce current waiting lists and also facilitate long-term support to NHS Trust capacity. We operate integrated service models of care, developing strong joint relationships to allow a holistic approach to patient care. “During this unprecedented time it has been a delight to work with an organisation that has been totally proactive is assisting the CCG and more specifically the Commissioning Team to realign the Community services to deal with the pandemic. HealthHarmonie have been very supportive of the change required and have always forwarded and interpreted the constant legislation that has been surging through from the government and NHSE sources, proposing how they can adapt to it on a regular basis. This has been a real boon during these hectic times” – Commissioner Feedback 2020 If you would like to find out more about the Framework or working with HealthHarmonie, please contact us via our contact us page.