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Outsourced Clinical Services Framework

In March 2020, following a competitive tender process, HealthHarmonie were notified that we have been successfully added to the Outsourced Clinical Services Framework. We were particularly proud to see that we scored within the top 4 of all providers awarded a place on the Framework! Over the past 2 months, we have been working closely with the NHS Shared Business Team to get everything set up for the Framework so that we can begin to work with buyers.

hospital image with doctors in scrubs

The Framework allows NHS Trusts to establish contracts with suppliers for outsourced clinical work without the need for lengthy procurement processes. This means that as a buyer, you can achieve a quick turnaround of award of contracts and avoid the lengthy stages of procurement.

What is the Framework? As part of our bid to be added to the Framework, HealthHarmonie has already undergone all vetting and checks to demonstrate our competence in service delivery, as well as demonstrating we have all of the appropriate contractual requirement in place, such as CQC registration, insurance and a number of core policies. This means that buyers can be assured that we are a safe, efficient and high-quality service provider. The Framework is live now and you are able to access it via NHS Shared Business. When can it be used? We are offering all of our services through the Framework, and this includes dermatology, gynaecology, ophthalmology, orthopaedic surgery, plastics and maxillofacial surgery and cataracts. What services are we offering through the Framework? If you are not registered to as a buyer to use the Framework, don’t worry! If you are interested in accessing the Framework, use the contact form below and a member of our team will get in touch with you to assist in getting you registered – the process its very quick and easy! What if I am not registered to use the Framework? Great! If you are interested in working with use via the Framework please use the below contact form to register your interest. Our Head of Integrated Care Solutions will be in touch with you to discuss further.


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