Minor Surgery Services
Minor Surgery is a medical-surgical procedure that is minimally invasive.
Our minor surgery service is community-based and performed outside a hospital. The benefits of community minor surgery include convenience for patients, as they can receive treatment closer to home and do not need to go to a hospital. Community minor surgery services also aid in reducing wait times and improving access to care, especially in areas where there may not be a hospital nearby. Patients will need to be referred to our services through their GP. Once referred, patients are seen in a community setting. All consultations and treatments are led by our specialist surgeons in Minor Surgery. Patients are able to be seen much quicker with our current wait times of 18 weeks.
We strive to give the best patient-focused care. As a result, patients can fully understand their condition and all the options available to them. We provide patient choice, providing several options as to where, when, and how patients can be seen.